Thursday, March 11, 2010

Femonomics reads the internet so you don't have to: Kathryn Bigelow, plagiarism 101, racist drug laws, and more!

The NYTimes' Manohla Dargis, who previously used the F-word to hilarious effect in a rant about female directors, has a lovely piece on the woman of the hour, Kathryn Bigelow. 

Kate Harding over at Shapely Prose (which is an amazing fat-acceptance blog full of terrific writing) has a humorous and biting piece on how not to plagiarize like a certain NYT business reporter, even though you're writing on the internet, and the deadlines are really fast, and the links are all confusing, see?  No, says Kate, we don't.

The Huffington Post publishes a must-read by Michelle Alexander about how drug laws have been used to create a permanent under-class in the United States.  She points out several sad facts about the state of racial equality in the United States (noting it has gotten worse, not better), and looks to biased drug laws predicated on Americans' fears of the inner-city crime bogeyman for the explanation.  Most compellingly, she explains how everything from drug laws, to police incentives, to sentencing guidelines, are designed to get and keep black men in jail.

Reality Check has an update on Utah's effort to criminalize miscarriages (read our earlier piece here), and it seems that even though the governor sent it back without signing, and the bills' sponsor withdrew it, they're not giving up this fight to put women in jail so easily.

[Update: hat tip to Feministe, where I first saw the Alexander piece]

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